Photocredit(L-R): Will Ng, Lynsie Roberts, George Pimentel
Want to win 2-front row seats to the Fall/Winter 2011 Greta Constantine show on the evening of March 25th in Toronto? Backstage access? O and did we mention a Sony Bloggie camera too?
Life in social media has never been so glamourous (it really hasn't, and no, bryanboy does not count).
How to win:
ROUND 1 (it's like boxing but... it's really not, nor anything close to boxing): Tweet @gretconstantine a question we haven’t heard before. Make it good, original, thoughtful and in 140 characters or less. Must also include #sonybloggie (if you’re going to win one, you might as well credit them as a thankyou). Only one question per person. Best 5 questions as decided by Kirk and Stephen make it to the second round.
DEADLINE: Question must be tweeted by Thursday, March 17th 12:00 PM EST. 5 finalists announced by Thursday, March 17th 5:00 PM EST on Twitter.
ROUND 2: Write a blog post. Anything goes so long as it is somehow related to Greta Constantine and/or Ezra Constantine. It’ll be linked to our facebook page (Greta Constantine (befriend us, we don’t bite). S/he who receives the most ‘likes’ i the winner. #somuchwinning
DEADLINE: “Likes” tallied on Tuesday, March 22nd at 12:00 PM EST.
Legal mumbo jumbo: Winner will be notified on Facebook and Twitter on Tuesday, March 22nd. Winner must be able to attend the fashion show in Toronto on March 25th between 6:00 PM and 9:00 PM. Any images captured can be used by Greta Constantine and/or Sony for promotional purposes. No payment for flights and transportation. We reserve the right to alter the contest rules at any time.