As we prepare for our F/W 2012 collection; things have been getting truly exciting over here. Between fabric deliveries, garment fittings and sewing our designs, we have been keeping busy in the new year! The new year allows us to embark on new discoveries -- through both new fashion trends and recycled ones. We tend to forget that the finished products we see on television, in stores, and in magazines developed as a result of considerable efforts. Fashion especially demands time, lots and lots of time, in addition to determination and an eye for detail. As I can attest to, many fail to take the time to think and reflect, instead of jumping the gun and going straight to the sewing machine. Fittingly, I took some time to look over the shoulders of our Kirk and Stephen, here at Greta Constantine.

Creations start with an idea. Something that sparks your interest and gets your creative juices flowing. This morning while we were stocking away our materials we happened to come across a dirt mark on one of the fabrics. Most would look at it for what it is -- dirt. However, we at Greta Constantine came up with ideas that could require it. Creativity is very much a collaborative process! Beauty through design is about joining our knowledge and experiences with one another, so that we are able to not only see the BIG PICTURE; but CREATE IT.I thought it would be perfect for our readers to have a chance to see what goes on behind the making.
Xx greta c.